Nestled in the heart of South Sound, “Sheriefe’s Garden” is a meticulously managed gated community that articulates serene living while boasting proximity to the pulse of George Town, the capital of the Cayman Islands. This effortless tranquility of a secluded residence with the convenience of urban living, making it an unparalleled choice for both families and investors.

Picture this: A mere five-minute journey lands you at the picturesque South Sound Beach, Smith Cove while a concise ten minutes leads you to a world of bustling shops and exquisite restaurants and nightlife, guaranteeing the perfect blend of relaxation and recreation at your fingertips. The biggest bonus for a lot of families in Cayman is the proximity to the schools of this fantastic complex. Minutes to Caymans business district for a quick and easy daily commute.

The property we spotlight today is an incredible 3-bedroom end townhouse, gracefully nestled in a private position within Sheriefe’s Garden, exuding elegance and offering an abundance of natural light across all rooms. A harmonious floor plan welcomes one bedroom and bathroom downstairs, while the upper floor unfolds to reveal two additional bedrooms, each boasting their en-suite bathroom, ensuring space and privacy for all members of the household.

The back patio, complemented by a BBQ and entertaining space and well as use of the pool and communal cabana area. Every detail towards this residence is turnkey, promising a smooth transition into your new home or investment venture.

Potential homeowners will revel in the thoughtfully designed spaces, while investors will find a remarkable opportunity in this fantastic property, as it promises to be an incredible return, courtesy of its strategic location and perfect design. Moreover, the maintenance fees are very reasonable, further enhancing its allure as either a wonderful family home or a lucrative investment property.

Do not miss out on this opportunity, Call today to book a private showing at Sheriefe’s Garden.

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Steve Parsons


Tanya March

Sales Associate and
Property Advisor

Pam Parsons

Sales Associate and
Property Advisor